Families Grow In Many Different Ways
All families are different. For some, adoption is a wonderful opportunity. That being said, adoption can quickly become complicated. There are many legal hoops to jump through, and it can cause major delays. Having an experienced attorney help you through the process is something all families can benefit from. At The Law Offices of Marilyn J. Belew, P.C., we have been helping families become complete for over 20 years.
Understanding The Texas-Specific Laws
Each state has its own specific laws put in place to protect everyone involved. Our attorney, Marilyn Belew, will work with you to make sure you understand the entire process. She is here to answer any questions you may have and makes herself available to you whenever you need it. You can expect honesty and transparency from beginning to end.
In Texas, any adult can adopt a child. There is no specific age minimum or age limit. It is important to know, however, that if you are married, you both must adopt the child. This includes couples who are legally separated but not divorced.
In order for a minor to be adopted, the biological parents’ rights must be terminated. This can be done voluntarily, such as an expectant mother planning to place her baby with an adoption agency. In these circumstances, the mother must wait 48 hours after the birth to give consent and there must be two witnesses. Birth fathers may give their consent at any point before the child is born. Parental rights can also be terminated by a court of law.
What Is Expected Of Me – A Potential Adoptive Parent?
Each family must pass a home inspection. This means that someone will come to your home and ensure that you can provide a stable environment for the child. Each family member will also be interviewed and have to pass a background check. While this may seem like a tedious process, Marilyn Belew will help you prepare and understand what to expect.
In some cases, adoptive families are financially responsible for prenatal care and birth expenses of both mother and child. This changes on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by a judge. For example, if you decide to adopt a child after it is already born, you may not be liable for any expenses. Marilyn Belew will determine what your options are and help you decide how to move forward.
Call Today To Get Started
If you are considering adoption or already looking into it, talking to an attorney is in your best interest. Marilyn Belew provides compassionate guidance while helping each family become complete. Call our office in Decatur today at 940-627-6400 or fill out our contact form.