Many Decatur residents face tough choices when they need to challenge guardianship. Whether you disagree with a current guardian's actions or believe a loved one no longer needs this oversight, Texas law gives you clear paths to contest these arrangements. What is a...
Decatur Family Law and Probate Attorney
Why might you establish a guardianship for your loved one?
As our loved ones age, they may need assistance with many different tasks. They may need someone to drive them to medical appointments or to support them as they travel over uneven ground. Unfortunately, many elderly people also face other challenges that limit their...
Selecting a guardian a vital part of estate plan for parents
Perhaps the most important aspect of the estate planning process is the peace of mind it brings that loved ones, family and children will be cared for according to their wishes. This allows those who have crafted a comprehensive estate plan to rest easy, but it is...
Estate planning that includes guardianship designations is critical for young families
Having a new family is a big undertaking that requires you to make many decisions. One of these is that you need to plan for your child’s future. When you have a baby, you should set up an estate plan that outlines care for the child if something happens to both you...
A guardian has a great deal of responsibility
It can be a difficult time for every family member when it becomes apparent that an older loved one can no longer handle his or her affairs. The concern may start small when a parent or other elderly family seems forgetful but can grow when he or she refuses help...
Guardianships are not always easy to obtain
Though parents who have children with disabilities or special needs may not love them any differently than they would their able-bodied children, they do have different details to consider. For instance, when a child with special needs turns 18, it may not be feasible...
Some parents may consider guardianships of special needs children
Any Texas parent has concerns as their children get older. For parents who have children with Down syndrome or similar conditions, their concerns may have a sharper edge than others. In many cases, children with such conditions do not reach milestones on the same...
Some parents may need guardianships in their older years
Many people are lucky enough to see their parents reach their elderly years. While numerous Texas residents are undoubtedly happy to still have their parents around, they can still have concerns about how well their parents are getting on. In some cases, serious...
Mental decline, refusal of care could warrant guardianships
Aging has different impacts on each person. Some individuals may live well into their golden years without many health issues, and others may not be so lucky. If Texas residents notice that their loved ones' mental capacity is starting to decline or if a diagnosis of...