Learning how to co-parent with your ex can be a difficult transition period. How amicable your relationship is post-divorce can affect how you manage transfers with your kids. While some parents choose to have the pick-ups and drop-offs outlined within the parenting...
Decatur Family Law and Probate Attorney
A simplified form of probate for some estates
Texas has a simplified form of probate known as “Muniment of Title” for those whose circumstances meet certain thresholds. This can be important for many people who do not want to go through the complexities of probate if it is not necessary and meet the other...
How to navigate a custody exchange
Divorce is a significant adjustment for all family members, including your kids. If you and your spouse plan to co-parent, you will have custody exchange days. Many parents dread exchanges, particularly if they tend to fight with their former partner. While custody...
Probate of a will: What is needed under state law?
Probate is an essential part of the process after a person has died and their assets must be distributed. In Texas, there are certain requirements based on the law that must be met for the will to be probated. Some of these requirements are the same in every case, but...
How can you communicate in a parallel parenting scenario?
Sometimes, divorce is the only solution to a negative relationship. Leaving a combative marriage benefits you, your former spouse and your children. If you have children, determining how to share custody is personal and complex, but if you have a high-conflict...